
Please see below an awesome sampling of our past presentations. A more complete listing of previous video presentations (some older, some newer) are posted on our Minneapolis Theosophical Society YouTube channel.

February 17, 2025 Danelys Valcarcel “There is No Religion Higher than Truth”

January 20, 2025 Jeffery Grundtner: Astrology and the Energies for the First Half of 2025

November 11, 2024 Erica Pointer Kobett: The Emerald Tablet

October 14, 2024 Hazel Archer Ginsberg: Mary Magdalene

April 8, 2024

All of us seek happiness and we fail to realize that happiness is a state of mind and therefore it must come from within, not from external conditions.

Drupa Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshi who is 7th in the lineage of Drupa Rinpoches, is the head of Drupa Monastery in Kham, Eastern Tibet. The present Drupa Rinpoche was born in India and recognized by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in the year of 1988 as the reincarnation of 6th Drupa Rinpoche Shedrup Tenpai Gyaltsen.

Apart from Rinpoche’s principal interest in presenting the teachings of Buddha, his academic background in psychology has fueled an interest to work with young adults to optimize their potential. Rinpoche continues to provide personal and spiritual advice, give public talks on Buddhism, as well as perform Buddhist religious rites.

March 11, 2024 Round Table Topic: The Divine Feminine — Isis, Mary Magdalene, Wisdom Tradition

The divine feminine is the feminine aspect of the divine power that connects and binds the Earth. She is the goddess energy that exists within all of us. Many ancient cultures had a divine feminine concept. The Egyptians had Isis; the Greeks had Aphrodite; The Romans had Venus, and the Hindus had Shakti.

In this unique evening, we convened a small panel of our Minneapolis Theosophical members to participate in a round table presentation and discussion.

February 12, 2024 Jeffery Grundtner, Eclipse Mysteries

The Great American Eclipse of April 8th, 2024 is a once in a lifetime event. It has a powerful energy that offers a unique opportunity for transformative ceremony, especially to invoke a renewal for the United States. I felt called by Spirit to create just such a ceremony. In advance of the actual eclipse, I also felt Spirit calling me to do geomantic ceremonies all along the eclipse path. This was an enormous task, but I just completed the last part of it on February 3rd.

We placed crystals in the ground at each place, to hold energy for each ceremony. The culminating ceremony on the actual eclipse, will ignite this entire “Dragon Star Map on the Earth!” We will hold that activating ceremony during the eclipse, in Southern Illinois, at the Awakening Eclipse Music Festival at Willow Springs Campground near Tamms, Illinois. 

January 8, 2024 Jeffery Grundtner, An Astrological Look at 2024: A Roller Coaster Ride

Our second annual astrological look ahead with Jeffery Grundtner. He outlines the astrological roller coaster of a year that is 2024. Jeffery provides an overview of the flow of energy of this year, with its potential for huge possible shifts and opportunities. This year presents us with unpredictable twists and turns and even the possibility for radical changes. 

October 9, 2023 Von Braschler: Lucid Dreaming

This presentation examines the history of serious dream work that goes back thousands of years and how ancients induced lucid dreams and even built dream temples. Von shows the difference between common dreams of a restless night and lucid dreams.

Von outlines how to effectively program your own lucid dreams with creative visualization, intent, and consciousness projection for out-of-body dreams that explore your deepest interests beyond time and space.

September 9, 2023 William Meader: The Soul of Humanity Evolves Through Crisis

It is clear that humanity is facing a set of global crises that are unparalleled. Humanity is at a pivotal point in history. Yet when looked at from an esoteric perspective, it becomes evident that we have entered the burning ground period that always precedes a new and dawning era for the human family. In this talk, the transforming value of world crisis will be closely examined, and what we can each do to support the emerging Soul of Humanity — and each other — at this time.

June 12, 2023 James Ulness: The Theosophical Society’s Goal of Universal Brotherhood is not a Utopian Pipe Dream. This presentation describes how our personal development contributes to Theosophy’s goal and mission. To quote Rudolf Steiner: “In these times: trust in the ever present help of the spiritual world. Truly, nothing else will do if our courage is not to fail us. And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves”

April 10, 2023 Erica Pointer Kobett: Egyptian Magic and the Modern World
In this presentation Erica explores the ancient concept of “heka”, that inner magic of intent that was used then and can be called upon in modern times. This ideology can be used to answer a Higher Calling, as it was used 3000+ years ago in Egypt during a time of ancient gods and goddesses or in recognition of a Higher Source today.

March 13, 2023 Dr. Jane Fleener, Ph.D., Futurist. A Futures Perspective Of Human Evolution
Futurists and theosophists share a common concern – the evolution of human consciousness. This presentation explores the intersectionality of the Theosophical path and futurists’ work to create desirable and sustainable futures for human transformation and transcendence. The session explores transformational and emergent futures perspectives as they connect to the role of accelerated evolution of human consciousness. The Masters’ views of discipleship and Blavatsky’s exploration of human evolution will offer guidance for understanding emancipatory futures perspectives.

February 27, 2023 Jeffery Grundtner (Part II) — Magic in the Earth and Sky: Aspects of American Indian Cosmology
Sacred sites are places where ceremonies take place: ceremonies that focus on The Great Mystery and infuse “as Above, so Below” into human beings.  By actively engaging in the magic between Earth and Sky, cosmology becomes a lived experience. This presentation explores some aspects of these truths in the North Central USA.

January 9, 2023 Jeffery Grundtner: An Astrological Look at 2023
Jeffery outlines the major movements of the planets in 2023 (and really, beyond that), and then the interplay of the archetypal energies that they represent. These energies as they unfold, in their long arcing cyles, have implications for humanity and our spiritual evolution.

December 12, 2022 — A special program with a scripted, imagined interview. A portrayal of HPB and Annie Besant with notable historical background details that brings their life and times to light. Then we interview people who personally knew Dora Kunz, another amazing individual: masterful clairvoyant, co-creator of Therapeutic Touch, and major contributor in the history of The Theosophical Society.

September 26, 2022 Jean Kellett: Continuity of Consciousness, Conscious Dying and connections to Lucid Dreaming, Meditation Practices and NDEs

September 12, 2022 Althea Gray: Ley Lines

February 28, 2022 John Cianciosi: The Meditative Path

Our very own, Von Braschler’s presentations:

October 25, 2021 The Arc of the Hero’s Journey